Thursday, February 4, 2021

Do we value our values?


are very important because all people are trying to teach you their values. All of them are mum and dad, friends, school, government, and society in general is trying to direct you towards what they understand as their values.

If you have no idea what are your values are than you will be convinced to borrow other people values. That hurts greatly.


I am going to give you a test for you to do in your own time while you are alone to figure it out.

Write it down because you will need it:

1.      It doesn’t matter much

2.      It’s kind of important to me

3.      It’s important to me

4.      It is very important to me

5.      It is vital to me

These values can change throughout your life and it is ok if you change your mind later on. It is important what you think is meaningful now.

For example, when I was single it was easy to be a good friend but it wasn’t that easy to be a good girlfriend.

So now put your preferred number on the lines bellow.

Being a good friend__________

Being a good boyfriend/girlfriend_________

Being a good son/daughter___________

Being a good brother/sister___________

Being a good student__________

Being a good employee___________

Being good to myself__________

Being active in my hobbies___________

Being creative________

Being productive___________

Being a good community member___________

Being a good member of humankind____________

Being good with the Earth (the environment, animal rights, etc.) _________

Being in contact with my spirituality (whatever you want to call it) ___________

Being …. (insert your ideas) _________


Do your actions show that this is something you value?

Find another colour pen and give it a second rating with this new scale bellow.

1. Totally off track with this value

2. A bit off track

3. Mostly on track

4. On track

5. There could be a photo of me in dictionary next to this value


How did you feel when you gave yourself a different rating?


Were you proud of yourself or dwelling on a bit of a shitty moment? Are you lying on the values or underneath them?


What’s your plan on getting on with the things that matter the most to you? You will say I tricked you. If you are alone in your room then nobody knows it.


If we sit at the bus station and we see a fellow saying that we should all go North because North is the way to go to reach the top. What do we do?

After n year we go pass the same bus stop and see that same fellow saying that we should go North to be achieved and successful. It is the way to happiness.

After two years the guy is still there saying the same stuff. You stop and ask him about it and recommends the perfect apps and books about North. Also, you ask him about best things he’s seen when he went North but he replies: “I have never been North. Too hard to get up there. The road is too bad, and I am waiting for the government to fix the road so I can have an easy trip. Then he says proudly: “BUT, I have never gone South.”


Do you take this fella seriously? If it’s worth it, I, personally would travel over a bad road and jump through couple fiery hoops to get to that promise land. Right?

Like someone wise said:

Values are like compass directions. They’re meaningless unless you move.


 What you should do next:

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Today we've learned via "Stuff that sucks"  by Ben Sedley



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